BAPO Juniors

University Hospital Southampton Fellowship

Fellowship Title

ENT Paediatric


University Hospital Southampton 



Start Month


Duration of placement

12 months

Number of trainees in department

1 Fellow, 1 NCHD.

Lead Consultant

Ms Hasnaa Ismail-Koch

Names of Fellowship Incumbents

Ms Andreea Nae

Headline focus of fellowship

Airway and general paediatric

Salary / Remuneration Information
(including any travel and training allowances)

£63,000 per annum

Any Bursaries Available?


Visa Requirements

Yes for Non-UE and UE

Not for Irish citizens

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More about the fellowship

Here, the current incumbent, Ms Andreea Nae, tells us about the University Hospital Southampton Fellowship. This includes, the relevant detail on the day to day exposure and responsibilities of the fellow, including the number of theatre and clinic sessions per week, the expected/planned involvement in the on-call/OOH cover, and the expected number of cases over the fellowship and of what type.

Even before starting, the exceptional team warmly welcomes you and presents fantastic opportunities. The hospital provides a pleasant working environment with supportive staff at all levels, and our patients enjoy a fantastic view.

The entire start-up process went smoothly. There is a dedicated team that can help with accommodation. Soon, you will be closely working with the amazing ICU and respiratory teams, who will become your go-to for complex cases you regularly encounter.

Please be aware that night calls are covered by an ENT SHO until 8 pm, and after that, they are covered by a surgical SHO who is highly skilled. Paediatric emergencies are directed to you. You will encounter a variety of cases such as paediatric airway issues, foreign bodies, infections, etc. Additionally, you might be consulted by two nearby hospitals, Winchester and Salisbury, overnight, or may need to travel to them, although this is extremely rare.

During hot weeks, the consultants are consistently accessible and helpful, while also giving you the freedom to oversee the patients based on your confidence level. The caseload is diverse and I found these weeks helpful in maintaining my skills in adult care.

There are opportunities to attend other specialty theatres that interest you or Saturday lists. I was fortunate to attend a complex skull base case, as well as optional theatre lists in Winchester (a beautiful city) on my half-free day on a regular basis. My team facilitated for me to get involved in a selective bilateral RLN reinnervation at Poole Hospital.

There are fantastic opportunities for research and training the juniors such as the Wessex ENT course CSTI, the Wessex facial, advanced sinus, and facial plastics or Paediatric Airway course. The courses were of excellent quality, and I really enjoyed them. I found the juniors to be enthusiastic to learn new skills and very competent. I am going to give a teaching session as part of the LTV teaching day.

There are ample opportunities to attend courses and meetings based on personal needs and experience. I was fortunate to participate in a two-week TWJ observership fellowship as well. All team members attended the CEORL HNS in Dublin recently and delivered high-quality teaching sessions.

The weather in South England is incomparable, much like its seafood. The beautiful and wild New Forest is only a 15-minute drive from the city centre. In the first 3 months, I have explored most of South England, up to Land's End. Coming from Ireland, I am really enjoying the hot and dry summer and I will make the most of it before heading back in 1 years’ time.

Team social events and outings are excellent for bonding outside of work.

I am immensely grateful to my three mentors, Andrea, Hasnaa, and Mr. Kuofi, for their invaluable guidance and unwavering support. I found in them role models and fantastic friends.

It has been an incredible fellowship experience, and I highly recommend it for the amazing team that makes it unforgettable.