BAPO Juniors
Sheffield Children’s Hospital Fellowship
Fellowship Title
Senior Clinical Fellow in Paediatric ENT
Sheffield Children’s Hospital
Start Month
Duration of placement
12 months
Number of trainees in department
2 fellows, 1 STR registar, 1 SHO.
Lead Consultant
Mr Sanjeev Gupta
Names of Fellowship Incumbents
Mr Ali Al-Mohsen
Fellowship Alumni
Miss Ashwini shenoy
Mr Hasan Alansari
Headline focus of fellowship
Paediatric ENT: Airway/Otology/Head and Neck
Salary / Remuneration Information
(including any travel and training allowances)
£55,000 per annum
Any Bursaries Available?
Extra shift during strike week.
Visa Requirements
Skilled Worker Visa
How and when to apply
Apply as soon as the advertisement is posted
More about the fellowship
Here, the current incumbent, Ali Al-Mohsen, briefly tells us about the Sheffield Children’s Hospital Fellowship. This includes, the relevant detail on the day to day exposure and responsibilities of the fellow, including the number of theatre and clinic sessions per week, the expected/planned involvement in the on-call/OOH cover, and the expected number of cases over the fellowship and of what type.
On a weekly schedule, it comes to approximately 3 to 4 theatre sessions and 3 to 4 clinic sessions. There are no out of hour on call cover but the fellow is expected to cover the on-call during working hours, this responsibility is shared with the registrar and the other fellow. During this fellowship the fellow is expected to be involved in around 400 cases, ranging from minor to complex paediatric ENT cases.
Ali Al-Mohsen