BAPO Juniors
Great Ormond Street Hospital Fellowship
Fellowship Title
Pediatric Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Clinical Fellowship
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Start Month
Two posts April and October
Duration of placement
12 months
Number of trainees in department
2 Clinical Fellow
1 Research Fellow (variable)
5 Otolaryngology Residents
Lead Consultant
Mr Ben Hartley
Names of Fellowship Incumbents
2022–23 Liam Sutton (UK)
2023-24 Lulu Ritchie (UK)
Fellowship Alumni
2018-20 Paula Coyle (UK)
2021-22 Alison Carter (UK)
2021-22 Jen Magill (UK)
2022-23 Kiersten Pianosi (Canada)
Headline focus of fellowship
Salary / Remuneration Information
(including any travel and training allowances)
£46,812 to £53,132 a year pro rata, per annum
Any Bursaries Available?
Visa Requirements
There are several administrative hurdles to work through to get the required work permit and license to practice, but this is achievable within the timeline pre fellowship.
How and when to apply
Applications open 6-8 months ahead of the first appointment and 18 months ahead of the second. This highly competitive fellowship is available to candidates who want to work as a consultant in tertiary paediatric ENT. Candidates are encouraged and welcome to visit the unit. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed, and remote interviews are possible.
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More about the fellowship
Here, the current incumbent, Lulu Ritchie, tells us about the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital Fellowship. This includes, the relevant detail on the day to day exposure and responsibilities of the fellow, including the number of theatre and clinic sessions per week, the expected/planned involvement in the on-call/OOH cover, and the expected number of cases over the fellowship and of what type.
The 2 fellows are responsible for the smooth day to day running of the department under the close guidance of the consultants. They need to develop good working relationships with other key departments such as PICU/NICU, respiratory and anaesthesia. They will help to train the specialist registrars and SHO’s.
On call is 1:7 weekends covering paediatric ENT only. This is an off-site oncall but includes inpatient review each morning on the weekend. A non-specialist SHO is onsite shared with Urology. Remote system access is available.
The fellow rota alternates between month A and month B to allow exposure to all consultant operating lists, whereas the residents work on a firm-based rota. Theatre runs 5 days a week with opportunities to be involved with all complex tertiary cases. The fellow supports the residents in theatre, ward rounds and complex referrals.
The hospital has all tertiary specialties on site, including cardiac, oncology, neurosurgery, craniofacial, ophthalmology and cleft palate. There are opportunities to attend a number of MDTs covering airway, tracheal, cleft, craniofacial and the subsequent complex joint cases. The fellowship offers the whole spectrum of tertiary paediatric pathology. The department has a high volume of cases and is particularly strong in airway/head and neck and advanced otology (including CI and complex middle ear disease).
It is the only specialist Biomedical Research Centre for paediatrics, the largest centre in the UK for children with heart or brain problems, and the largest centre in Europe for children with cancer. It works in partnership with the UCL Institute of Child Health (ICH), part of University College London, and together they form the largest paediatric research and teaching centre in the UK.Lulu Ritchie