BAPO Juniors
Glasgow Royal Hospital for Children Fellowship
Fellowship Title
Senior Clinical Fellow in Paediatric Otolaryngology
Royal Hospital for Children
Glasgow, Scotland
Start Month
Duration of placement
12 months
Number of trainees in department
2 Trainee Registrars (3 including Fellow)
Lead Consultant
Mr. William Clement (Andrew)
Names of Fellowship Incumbents
Sophie Wilkinson
Headline focus of fellowship
Airway (Although option for 3/12 Otology block if desired by Fellow)
Salary / Remuneration Information
(including any travel and training allowances)
In keeping with number of years’ service and in accordance with current Scottish pay rates.
Base salary of £55,073 with 50% banding.
No explicit study leave budget. Exact limit subject to Hospital policy, however generous study budget (23/24). Straightforward application and claims process.
Any Bursaries Available?
Visa Requirements
None if local UK trainee.
How and when to apply
Position advertised 18 months ahead of Fellowship start date.
More about the fellowship
Here, the current incumbent, Sophie Wilkinson, tells us about the Birmingham Children’s Hospital Fellowship. This includes, the relevant detail on the day to day exposure and responsibilities of the fellow, including the number of theatre and clinic sessions per week, the expected/planned involvement in the on-call/OOH cover, and the expected number of cases over the fellowship and of what type.
Day-to-day duties are largely dependent on the clinical firm, but average weeks include four theatre and four clinic sessions.
There are three main firm structures, each with two consultants. One specific Otology firm exists, but all consultants frequently perform emergency airway procedures, with or without elective airway work.
Clinics are always supervised by consultants, and many are booked for one clinician, even if a registrar is in attendance. Clinics are canceled if the consultants are on leave or away. Frequent specialist clinics include Airway, Drooling, Tracheostomy, Voice, Cleft, Trisomy Twenty-One, Achondroplasia, BAHA, Vertigo, and Microtia.
Out of the three “registrar level” doctors on the rota, there must always be someone on “Duty” covering the emergencies. The role of the Duty registrar is to supervise the on-call SHOs (who rotate into paediatric ENT every few weeks). Duty almost always results in emergency cases (often multiple), so it is an excellent training opportunity.
Ward rounds are consultant-led, with the consultants operating a Duty week that runs from Friday to Friday. There is always a consultant handover round each Friday. Night on calls are a separate mixture of Adult and Paediatrics (two registrars for each on call). The adult ENT ward is at the QEUH, which is attached to the children’s hospital (same site). The on-call paediatric registrar also covers adult outliers in peripheral hospitals and is expected to travel to nearby hospitals if the patient is not safe to transfer (uncommon but does happen).
Weekend cover is only for Paediatric ENT. On average, there are six of these across a twelve-month period. Weeknight on calls average out at approximately one per week. Additional responsibilities include preparation of the monthly complex airway MDT and managing the Ad Hoc theatre schedule (accommodating ENT procedures on other specialties' operating lists).
An excellent range of pathologies is encountered, with exposure to many complex procedures (LTRs, laryngeal clefts, salivary gland surgery, etc.).Sophie Wilkinson