BAPO Juniors
Evelina London Children’s Hospital Fellowship
Fellowship Title
Senior Clinical Fellow Paediatric ENT
Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Start Month
Duration of placement
12 months
Number of trainees in department
2 Senior Clinical Fellows, 2 Specialty Trainees (middle grade level), 1 allocated SHO/ junior grade level allocated to the team each day and 1 Trainee ACP.
Lead Consultant
Mr. Chris Pepper & Ms. Victoria Possamai
Names of Fellowship Incumbents
2024-2025: Chong Kang
2023-2024: Katrina Mason & Emma Gosnell
Fellowship Alumni
Andrew Hoey
Headline focus of fellowship
Airway/Head and Neck
Salary / Remuneration Information
(including any travel and training allowances)
£37,068 to £57,570 a year excl.of LZ
Any Bursaries Available?
Visa Requirements
Outside of UK
How and when to apply
Annually (advertised & interviews usually in April) via Trac / NHS Jobs
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More about the fellowship
Here, the current incumbent, Emma Gosnell, priovides details about the Evelina London Children’s Hospital Fellowship. This includes, the relevant detail on the day to day exposure and responsibilities of the fellow, including the number of theatre and clinic sessions per week, the expected/planned involvement in the on-call/OOH cover, and the expected number of cases over the fellowship and of what type.
Rolling 8-week rota with an average of 4-5 theatre sessions and 2-3 outpatient clinics weekly. Theatre time involves both inpatient theatres as well as lists in the adjacent day surgery unit. Expected number of combined elective and emergency theatre cases is approximately 300-600 over 12 months Wide range of paediatric ENT surgical procedures, including airway endoscopy, laryngeal clefts, some airway reconstruction, thyroglossal & dermoid cysts, tracheostomies and of course coblation intracapsular tonsillectomy! Specialist clinics include Nasendoscopy (infants <12m with airway symptoms), voice and vascular malformation Opportunities to seek exposure to South Thames Cleft service & Otology/Implant team (both have their own specific clinical fellows) Evelina is an Achondroplasia centre and has expertise in congenital heart disease & cardiac surgery. We provide paediatric ENT services to Royal Brompton & Kings College Hospital and have been selected as the future location for paediatric cancer services in South London.
Ward rounds are consultant-led with a dedicated duty consultant on site & available each day. Of the 4 middle grades there always needs to be someone covering the ‘airway phone’, responsible for supervising juniors and taking internal and external referrals. Referrals come from across South London, Kent, Surrey & Sussex so often involve liaising with the South Thames Retrieval team. Both St Thomas & King’s Hospital have busy NICUs that refer to Evelina. The airway phone often results in emergency cases and provides excellent training opportunities! On-call commitment consists of a 1:16 weekday and 1:8 weekend (split) out of hours cover, covering adults & paeds across Guys, St Thomas & Evelina.
Exposure & participation in weekly multidisciplinary airway team meeting. Leadership & management opportunities through co-ordination of monthly departmental meeting with managers, allied specialties, and quarterly radiology meeting Allocated time weekly for continuing professional development enabling opportunity to contribute to the research department with regular ENT pan-subspeciality GSTT team meetings Teaching opportunities through guidance and clinical support of rotating medical students, core & specialty trainees as well as tracheostomy skills across GSTT & Kings College Hospital.Emma Gosnell